


经营自己的小企业可能意味着吸引和留住人才. As an owner, it’s important to build a benefits package to take care of yourself and your employees. Offering benefits as part of a compensation package can go a long way toward attracting employees.

虽然企业可能被要求提供某些pp王者电子官网, you can voluntarily offer additional small business employee benefits that may make your employment appealing. Whether you're providing generous sick leave or promoting well-being on the job, t在这里 are plenty of small business benefits that can make your business a great place to work. Here's what to keep in mind when evaluating how to offer benefits to employees.



每个州都有规定,除了德克萨斯州, 工人的补偿 benefits help protect employers and employees from legal action resulting from work-related incidents.


如果一个企业有超过20名员工,并提供健康pp王者电子官网, 综合预算调节法(眼镜蛇) could provide former employees and their family health insurance for 18 – 36 months for a premium.


如果你有50名或更多的员工, businesses are required to offer health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.


家庭和医疗休假法(休假)可能适用于某些生活事件, 例如照顾生病的亲戚或领养孩子. Employees may qualify for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and health benefits when businesses have 50 or more employees who live within 75 miles of the workplace.


If terminated through no fault of their own, employees may receive compensation through unemployment.


在一些州(CA, HI, NJ, NY和RI),你可能需要提供 残障pp王者电子官网.


在工作期间,雇员通过雇主的扣除来支付未来的费用 医疗pp王者电子官网 和社会保障福利.


401 k相匹配

As you are determining how to implement small business employee benefit packages for your staff, 考虑401k是一个很有吸引力的起点. 401k accounts can make it easier for your staff to save for retirement and promote financial security. 401k账户甚至可以为你的小企业提供税收优惠. 考虑提供 401 k相匹配 作为一项额外福利,这意味着公司会拿出一笔固定的钱 雇员退休储蓄 基于员工的贡献.


每个人都会时不时地遇到个人问题. 帮助 your employees by offering EAPs through a stand-alone provider or your health insurance plan.


授权员工 指定志愿者时间 away from their desk can do double duty by helping them improve lives while appreciating their own work environment. Designate a certain number of paid volunteer hours — say 30 per year — for employees to help local nonprofits and make a difference in their community.


Paid time-off (PTO) policies can be a critical part of a generous compensation package. 考虑提供灵活的PTO政策,包括假期, sick leave or anything in between that can help employees deal with unexpected challenges. Giving your workers the freedom to use their PTO as they see fit can go a long way toward helping them feel valued on the job.


提供一个 健康储蓄帐户 (HSA)选项-以及全面的 团体健康pp王者电子官网计划 — can be simple and allows employees to get the medical care they need while helping them save money on insurance premiums. 作为一个小公司, you'll need to set up the plan with a health benefits provider that allows employees to contribute pre-tax dollars to the HSA.


由于工作时间很长,员工们想要感受到 公司真正关心 关于他们的幸福. 健身房会员报销, implementing a "no-meetings" day each week and offering standing desks are some easy tweaks that can create a respectful and uplifting work environment.


当你考虑如何为小企业提供福利时, 记住,并不是所有的激励都是经济上的. 即使你没有让你的员工百分百投入 远程, many workers are craving a hybrid workweek so they can spend some time working from home. 考虑提供 flexible working policies — even if you're promoting just one day out of the office — to help retain talent.


如果你是自雇人士, it is also important to build a benefits package that allows you to take care of yourself now and into the future.

健康pp王者电子官网 产品可以帮助支付医疗费用. 如果你选择了有共同支付的选项, 你需要计划好每次看病都要付一定的钱. Another option is coinsurance — it outlines a percentage you'll need to pay after the deductible is met.

人寿pp王者电子官网 产品是否在被pp王者电子官网人去世时支付死亡赔偿金, which can be used by beneficiaries to pay off debts and help protect the business. 两种常见的人寿pp王者电子官网选择是 定期和永久性. 定期人寿pp王者电子官网 是暂时的,通常比较便宜. Permanent insurance typically lasts the life of the insured and may build cash value. You could access the cash value that's built for some expensive life events — as long as you make sufficient payments to keep the policy in force.

退休计划 帮助你建立未来. 传统的账户 提前提供税收优惠,但退休后你必须纳税. 罗斯帐户 don't have upfront tax breaks, but you'll likely have tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

残障pp王者电子官网 如果你不能工作,你可以通过提供收入来缓解 致残疾病或伤害. The percentage of income replacement promised to be paid when you start to receive your payouts is called a benefit percentage.

Now that you have read about benefits package 选项 for small businesses or benefit choices when you are self-employed, 你可能会感兴趣 小企业运营小贴士 或者是关于 商业损失预防. 考虑联系 状态 Farm®代理 了解不同 商业pp王者电子官网 选项.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm人寿pp王者电子官网公司(未在MA, NY或WI获得许可)
状态 Farm人寿及意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约州及威州持牌)







Choosing the best retirement plan for your small business is important to hiring and keeping the right associates.


你可以有预算,但仍然可以过你想过的生活. 预算是减少不必要债务的一种简单而可靠的方法, 达到财务目标, living a healthier financial lifestyle and maintaining true financial wellness.


Employer provided group insurance health plans offer lower cost insurance for employees since the employer pays a portion of the premium.

