
pp王者电子官网 information and privacy protection

本通知适用于以人身pp王者电子官网为主的pp王者电子官网交易, family or household needs rather than business or professional needs.

以下是关于国营农场®如何收集和披露您的个人信息的信息. Also included are the procedures available to you for seeing and, 如果有必要的话, correcting personal information in our records.

Sources of personal information

Most of the personal information we collect comes from your application. 我们使用这些信息来帮助决定是否可以发布保单,并用于评级目的. 在某些情况下, in order to assist in making necessary business decisions, 我们可能需要获得有关您和其他受保人员的额外信息. This information may be requested from sources such as public records, 消费者报告机构, 医生, 医院, MIB, 公司. (Medical Information Bureau), 与您与国营农场pp王者电子官网交易有关的其他pp王者电子官网公司或其他个人. These sources may be asked to provide information concerning your driving record, 工作经历, 爱好, 其他pp王者电子官网范围, 一般的声誉, 健康和病史.

个人 information may be disclosed


  • 为我们提供业务或专业服务的人,如律师或再pp王者电子官网人.
  • 其他pp王者电子官网公司, 代理 or insurance support organizations to prevent fraud, 与pp王者电子官网交易有关的重大失实陈述或重大隐瞒.
  • 医疗机构或医疗专业人员核实pp王者电子官网范围或福利, to inform you of a medical problem you may not be aware of, or to conduct an operations or services audit.
  • An insurance regulatory department.
  • 防止或起诉欺诈行为的执法机构或其他政府机构, or if it is believed you have been involved in illegal activities.
  • Aid in conducting scientific research, including actuarial and underwriting studies, 管理审计, financial audits or program evaluations.
  • 只将信息用作产品或服务营销辅助的人. 然而, no medical-record information, 特权信息, or personal information relating to your character, 个人习惯, mode of living or 一般的声誉 may be disclosed. 您将有机会表明您是否希望出于营销目的披露个人信息.
  • An affiliate of this company for use in connection with their marketing activities. 我们的附属公司不会向我们组织以外的人披露这些信息.
  • 需要这些信息来报告索赔经验或进行操作或服务审计的组保单持有人.

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Your right to know personal information

作为个人,您有权知道我们记录了哪些个人信息. 步骤如下:

  1. 在您提交书面要求查阅可合理查找和检索的记录的个人信息之后, 我们将在30天内:
    • 以书面形式告知您所记录的个人信息的性质和内容, by telephone or by other oral communication.
    • 允许您查看并复制, 在人, 适用于您的已记录的个人信息(医疗记录信息除外), or provide you with copies of this information by mail, 你喜欢哪一个.
    • 通知你这些人, 如果记录, 个人信息(医疗记录信息除外)在您提出请求前两年内已被披露的. If the identities have not been recorded, we will provide you with the names of those insurance institutions, 代理, pp王者电子官网支持组织或通常向其披露此类信息的其他人.
    • provide you with a summary of the procedures by which you may request correction, 修改或删除 of recorded personal information.
  2. Medical-record information — Subject to a few state exceptions, 医疗机构或医疗专业人员提供的医疗记录信息通常会由国营农场向您提供姓名和地址的医疗专业人员披露,该医疗专业人员获得许可,可针对该信息适用的条件提供医疗服务.
  3. 州立农场可能会向您收取合理的费用,以支付向您提供记录的个人信息副本所产生的费用. 如果该信息适用于不利承保决定的原因,则不收取任何费用.
  4. 在某些情况下, 我们可以通过将您转介给pp王者电子官网支持组织来履行我们对您访问记录的个人信息的义务.
  5. 您有权访问记录的个人信息,适用于与pp王者电子官网交易有关的收集和保存的信息. 这些权利不适用于与索赔或民事或刑事诉讼有关或在合理预期中收集的信息.

Your right to correct personal information

作为个人, you have the following rights in regard to the correction, 修改或删除 of recorded personal information:

  1. Within 30 days of receiving your written request to correct, amend or delete any recorded personal information we have, 州立农场将:
    • 更正、修改或删除有争议的部分记录的个人信息
    • notify you of our refusal to make the correction, 修改或删除, the reasons for the refusal and your right to file a protest statement.
  2. If the recorded personal information is corrected, 修改或删除, you will be notified in writing and this information will be furnished to:
    • any person you've designated who may have, within the preceding 2 years, received such recorded personal information.
    • 个人信息的主要来源是pp王者电子官网机构的任何pp王者电子官网支持组织, 如果它在过去7年内系统地从我们那里收到了有关您的记录个人信息, unless this information is no longer maintained.
    • 提供已更正之个人资料之pp王者电子官网支援机构, 修改或删除.
  3. If you disagree with a refusal to correct, amend or delete recorded personal information, 你可提交:
    • 简明扼要地陈述你认为正确、相关或公平的信息
    • concise statement of the reasons why you disagree with the refusal to correct, amend or delete recorded personal information.
  4. If you file either of the statements described above, 州立农场将:
    • 将有争议的个人信息提交到声明中,并提供一种方法,使任何审查有争议的个人信息的人都能了解并访问该声明.
    • 在任何后续披露的记录的个人信息是有异议的主题, 清楚地指出有争议的信息,并提供已归档的陈述.
    • 向上述第2点所述的三类人士和组织中的任何一类提交陈述。."
  5. Your rights regarding the correction, 更改或删除记录的个人资料,适用于就pp王者电子官网交易而收集及保存的资料. 这些权利不适用于与索赔或民事或刑事诉讼有关或在合理预期中收集的信息.

最后, we feel you should know that insurance-support organizations, which furnish personal information to insurance companies, 是否可在其档案中保留该资料的副本,并可向他人披露该资料.

国营农场 pp王者电子官网 Companies
8/17 (C) 153-1048.5e


  • 写信给我们:
    Attention: Enterprise Compliance & Ethics - Office of 隐私, C-2

  • 电邮至 privacy@esanze.net (Please include your first name, last name, and address.)

